Digital Innovation and AI Solutions for Healthcare

GenAI- and ML-empowered software for better workforce operations and automated patient management

Drive AI and ML Innovation
Stellar Patient Experience

Smart patient management systems that allow manage lines, provide prescription in advance and reduce waiting time by 20%.

AI-Patient Management

Keep all essential records within one interconnected system empowered with AI assistant and make quick voice memos.

Accessible dashboards

Keep your financial stats and dashboards in one place that automatically collects data from all branches and supports voice queries.

Uncover Smart MedTech

Get real time data from patients’ wearables and important alerts for improved monitoring and instant health assessment

Make data a powerful operational tool

Talk To Your Data
  • Make your voice an instrument for making queries and building custom dashboards; recording voice memos and AI NLP system will transform them into important notes to patient records.
Medical IoT
  • Collect data from wearable devices or specific devices like sugar-level monitoring in real time to prevent your patients from any kind of health failures. This data is transferred directly to patient’s EHR.
Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Integrate appointment scheduling with AI assistant that collects data about patients’ health information and provides instant recommendations for each patient like generating e-recipe online or gathering key symptoms before an appointment.
Smart Queueing
  • Let you physicians easily explore medical protocols, access knowledge database or patient data with the use of Generative AI.

Benefit from Bringing Innovation into the Workflow

Improve patient experience and increase their satisfaction rate by 80% percent

Connect to any type of wearable medical devices and collect data meeting the compliance

Build custom dashboards within 5 minutes by using your voice only

Increase innovation adoption that will streamline operations and allow focusing on scale

Use the power of AI & ML technologies to build 
efficient healthcare hubs

Our Technologies

AI and Machine Learning:

Custom analytical solutions for all types of healthcare providers


Healthtech companies



R&D Companies

Research Centers