AI Transformation

Reveal the power of AI to achieve the new ways of business efficiency

Let’s talk

Trusted partner to many world class organizations:

AI technologies

Really matter

Understanding AI Transformation

AI transformation refers to revolutionizing digital change by integrating Artificial Intelligence across all business facets. This approach transforms how value is delivered to customers, altering the core dynamics of business operations.

Why AI Transformation Matters

Organizations that embrace artificial intelligence (AI) benefit from leveraging data and advanced analytics to enhance decision-making, accurately forecast outcomes for both customers and their own operations, and stimulate growth by speeding up processes.

Future Directions

Gartner predicts that by 2030, 70% of companies will integrate AI in some capacity, potentially adding up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy. Businesses that overlook the opportunity to harness AI soon risk falling irreversibly behind.

We cover every step to help you adopt AI

AI Workshops

Empower your team with cutting-edge AI knowledge through our workshops. Dive into new opportunities and software models that can revolutionize your workflows. Our goal is to educate and inspire your staff to embrace AI technologies, ensuring your company stays ahead in today’s dynamic business landscape.

AI Infrastructure Analytics

Unlock the full potential of your infrastructure with our AI analytics solutions. Our algorithms delve deep into your systems, identifying opportunities for optimization and integration. By streamlining operations and enhancing consistency, we pave the way for smoother processes and increased efficiency.

AI MVP Development

Minimize the uncertainties of AI adoption with our MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development services. We craft small-scale AI concepts tailored to your business, allowing you to test their viability in real-world scenarios. Our expert advisors guide you through the implementation process, ensuring seamless integration and maximum impact.

AI Custom Solution Development

Tailored to your unique business needs, our custom AI solutions deliver unparalleled functionality and scalability. Whether you require specialized algorithms or niche applications, we work closely with you to develop bespoke solutions that drive growth and innovation. From conception to execution, we’re dedicated to helping you harness the full potential of AI technology.

AI Helps Organizations

Adopt AI faster and more efficiently. By enabling use case-focused AI solutions, we augment and reinforce your business to deliver measurable value and drive improvements at scale organization-wide.

Make better decisions


Improve product performance

Capture & apply scarce knowledge

Reduce headcount using automation

Looking to explore the AI Adoption Journey in more detail?

Check out the Sphere AI/ML Transformation Canvas!

We engage with technology executives to design the AI adoption roadmap for your organization, including major business KPIs and success metrics essential to getting management buy-in on a business level.

Integrate AI into your daily operations

AI technologies have proven their ability to be integrated in any part of workflow with multiple successful use cases.


Corporate Knowledge Agents

Virtual assistant

Data analytics

Predictive modeling

Operational management

You are seeking to:

  • Gain visibility into ML processes to achieve transparency through monitoring and measurement
  • Cooperate with builders responsible for the architecture and a solution’s every component from bottom-up
  • Start AI transformation with a robust infrastructure, data pipelines, and a data lake for scalable AI
  • Use industry blueprints with sample datasets and use case-specific AI components for anomaly detection, computer vision, and NLP
  • Drive AI transformation through cloud-native, vendor-agnostic solutions with expert-verified architecture and fully available source code

We work with business leaders to develop a strategy and a roadmap for AI transformation encompassing their business vision, investments, KPIs, technology capabilities, and the timeline for AI adoption.

AI Adoption Journey

Organizations come across a few critical challenges pertaining to culture, organization, and skills throughout the AI adoption journey. They find it hard to broadcast the potential value of AI across their organizations, to select specific AI use cases to implement, and to hire AI/Ml pros with the right skillset. All of those issues can be resolved through a framework below.


Enhance your AI solution to drive more improvements.

  • Supporting your users and customers
  • Augmenting your IT team
  • Upgrading the solution (if needed)
  • Implementing ongoing fixes of P1/P0 issues
  • ML models maintenance and retraining hours


Assess your organization’s AI potential.

  • Implementation of the 80/20 solution approach to accelerate the Proof of Concept
  • Testing, finetuning, and solution validation based on business goals and predefined KPIs
  • Define business objectives and solution KPIs
  • Evaluate cost vs. impact for each 1% of a solution’s improvement
  • Estimate a solution’s ROI


Begin deploying AI at scale organization-wide.

  • Operationalization
  • Solution integration with the existing apps
  • Deployment in the cloud
  • Integration with the client’s processes

Discovery Workshop: Start Your AI Journey

Kickstart your path to AI adoption with our Discovery Workshop. This initial engagement is designed to fast-track the delivery of a Proof-of-Concept and evaluate its business impact.

Assessment of
accessible data

ML problem



Our Role in the AI Revolution

For more than 20 years, we’ve been at the forefront of technological advancement, empowering our clients and team to excel. Our seasoned AI specialists have collaborated with industry giants like HP, Google, AON, BP, Meta, and Lemonade, bringing unparalleled expertise to the table.
We’ve also partnered with major hospital systems, and leading companies in mobility, transportation, insurtech, and fintech. These collaborations have enabled them to rapidly scale and innovate through AI.

AI tech tailored for business executives

Operational Efficiency Enhancement

Investing in AI enables firms to continually enhance operational efficiency, transforming traditional cost centers into AI-enabled service offerings.

Risk Management Revolution

AI equips firms with powerful tools to bolster compliance, automate data analysis, and anticipate and manage ambiguous events, revolutionizing risk management practices.

Legal & Consulting Advancements

AI models can efficiently process vast amounts of legal documentation or corporate due diligence, providing synthesized summaries or detailed briefs, thereby enhancing legal and consulting processes.

Recruitment and Hiring Streamlining

Generative AI applications expedite recruitment tasks by performing job analysis and transcribing interview summaries, allowing leaders to allocate more time to focus on the people-centric aspects of their role and continuously upskill engineers.

Overcoming Scaling Challenges

Despite challenges in connecting AI algorithms to business value propositions, investing in AI helps organizations scale operations efficiently, though it requires proper governance and alignment with business goals.


Kick off your AI transformation journey!

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